An antiseptic is useful in slowing down or even stopping the growth of microorganisms. They are widely applicable in hospitals where they are useful in decreasing the chances of a patient contracting an infection while receiving treatment, mainly during surgery. The substance is orange in color. There are different kinds of these substances used in hospitals and include skin preparations, hand rubs and hand washes. People easily confuse the terms disinfectant and antiseptic. Both are used for killing microorganisms but disinfectants are used for other surfaces other than on the human body, while antiseptics are applied on the skin. During a surgery, a disinfectant will be used on the operating table while an anti-bacterial antiseptic is applied on the body of the patient.

The different kinds of antiseptics are grouped based on their chemical structure. However, all are for the purpose of skin disinfection but others may have more uses. The antibacterial dye is useful in treating burns and wounds. The permanganate is used for wounds or mouthwash. Biguanides like Chlorhexidine is used for the bladder and wounds. Lastly, the halogenated phenol derivative is mixed with soaps used for medical practices.

Antiseptics are used for various functions. The first is that they clean the skin prior to an operation, which is important in killing the microorganisms that may be residing on the skin. In addition, it is applied on the membranes that has mucous like the bladder or urethra before a catheter is inserted and can help to treat infections that may have infested these areas. Hand washing is the most common use of antiseptics, especially in hospitals to avoid spreading infections. It is also used in the treatment of infections that affect the mouth or the throat such as sore throats that are caused by bacteria. Industrial disinfectants are best in treating infections that can come around the skin such as wounds and burns.

While antiseptics are there to help, one has to be cautious while applying. Some of them require dilution with water before application and may cause irritation if applied in their initial concentration. For home use, antiseptics should be used a maximum of one time in a week. In addition, when the injuries are serious such as deep wounds, wounds with foreign substances, animal bites and severe burns, you should not use antiseptics.

The antiseptic market need keen attention and the Food and Drug Administration is keen to make sure that the once in market are of the right quality. Recently, it has been banning some ingredients to ensure that safety is maintained.

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